arushi (aera) rege


i know what this looks like how
i become abject terror in your
absence & how i think you’re
just trying to reach for the line.
i’m thinking of kissing the girl
on the other side & of how i only
seem to know how to love on a
timeline. i guess what i mean is
the neighbor’s dog barks i want
i want i want
& i hear it echoed
in my own voice. i guess what i
mean is i’m an exit wound with
no sign of entry & a bullet with
no casing. i guess what i mean
is i’m licking the envelope &
pretending it tastes like you. so
i make my body go down on its
knees & i make it pray. so it seems
the poem becomes my grave.
so sue me, baby, i’m not sorry
that i’m loving you on a timeline.
so somewhere, somehow, i mimic the
dog’s barks. i want i want i want

sidewalk chalk

my mother fleshed me out into a good daughter,
a bloody mimic of a bloodless idol. i prayed to gods

i didn’t believe in – i forgot what it meant to be loyal;
sorry mother. i promise i was a good daughter.

i drew my own destruction in brick-red sidewalk chalk &
fell to suburbia-night moons. i licked agave-honey off

brown skin & became a map of the expanse of skin
i had carefully constructed under your right hipbone.

i became a comma with no follow up & a room with
empty rage. my mother fleshed me out into a good

daughter & my lover fleshed me out into a good sacrifice,
a pawn to be slayed & a love to be won & a want to

obtain. i forgot what it meant to be loyal; i let myself
grow soft with the touch of my own failure & i let

myself become a clock on rusty machinery. i’m sorry
mother, i promise i’m a good daughter. i’ve looked

death in the eye but i still can’t tell my mother i’ve
loved a girl & i’m something in between girlboy &

i drew my own death in sidewalk chalk that washed away
in the rain & i fell in love in suburbia & i drew a map of

my skin in layer sixteen of yours & i forgot to be loyal,
mother, i’m sorry i’m not a good daughter i promise

i’m trying to be more.

arushi (aera) rege is a queer, chronically in pain, Indian-American poet who simultaneously attends junior year in high school. They tweet occasionally @academic_core and face the perils of instagram @aeranem_26. Their works have been published in Gastropoda Lit, Full House Literary Magazine, fifth wheel press, and more. Their debut chapbook, BROWN GIRL EPIPHANY, is forthcoming with fifth wheel press. You can find their website at