Uee Jung
I wanted to represent embodiment through the mind in an abstract manner instead of directly showing what embodiment is. The pieces tell a story of being watched, and the uncomfortable nature of such an act. I wanted to convey a sense of uneasiness that we feel in our bodies and how even when we are logically aware that no one is watching, it still feels as if the whole universe is staring at you.
The faces are purposefully censored as to imply it is not a specific person who if watching uncomfortably but rather the essence of humans in general. These pieces altogether combine to make the observer feel some sort of uncomfortable feeling overall.
Despite this, I also chose to incorporate very calming and conventionally beautiful colors as to show that our bodies are very alluring and beautiful.
Despite what people may believe about their own bodies, I personally believe that all human bodies are beautiful in their own separate ways.
Uee Jung is a student attending Seoul International School in Seoul, S. Korea. Her current artwork involves experimenting with color and figures.